Get 25% Off All Patient Pilot Plans for Life + 50% Off Your First Month for a Limited Time

Patient Pilot:
Patient Reactivations the Smart Way

Did you know the #1 asset your chiropractic practice is ignoring that could be making you thousands of dollars every year on autopilot?

It’s your inactive patients. And it’s 90% or more of your patients.

Are you OK with that?


Patient Pilot

Discover Your Opportunity.

Use the sliders below to see your Reactivation Opportunity.






Your Reactivation Opportunity

Percentage of Your Patients Who are Inactive Right Now:

Number of Patients Who Have the Potential to Be Reactivated:

What Each Reactivation in Your Practice is Potentially Worth:

Patient Pilot Solves Patient Reactivation with Two Smart, Powerful Systems.

Campaign Autopilot Automates Your Patient Engagement Every Week.

Sends weekly, automated, done-for-you patient reactivation emails.

The Smart Chiropractor

Patient Navigator Shows You Who is Ready to Reactivate Every Day.

Lead Scores your patients and gives you the tools to reactivate them.

The Smart Chiropractor

Campaign Autopilot

Automated, Weekly Patient Engagement

Your patients receive your weekly Journey to Better Health patient reactivation emails that consistently engage and make it easy for them to schedule back into your practice.

  • No more wasting time writing ineffective emails.
  • No more worrying about reaching the right people.
  • No more missed opportunities to engage patients.

Consistently Teach and Invite Your Patients Back into Your Practice.

Campaign Autopilot automatically sends your patients personalized patient reactivation emails.

Every email sent includes prominent buttons allowing your patients to easily schedule their next visit.

Weekly Patient Reactivation Emails: Effortlessly deliver world-class patient education directly to your patient’s inbox, driving consistent engagement.

Easy Online Scheduling: Each email campaign features a link to your online scheduler (or a personalized appointment request page we provide if needed).

BONUS: Unlimited Additional Email Campaigns + Templates: Send your own emails anytime, using our Template Vault for holidays, events, and more.


Questions? Talk With Our Team.

The Smart Chiropractor

Campaign Autopilot turns every email into a reactivation opportunity.

Patient Navigator transforms every engagement into actionable insights for smarter outreach.

Patient Navigator

Smart Patient Recall Lists and Lead Scoring

Patient Navigator provides your team with a red-hot list of reactivation-ready patients and all the resources you need to reactivate them.

  • No more wasting time randomly calling patients.
  • No more wasting time on staff accountability.
  • No more missed patient reactivation opportunities.

Patient Navigator Takes the Guesswork Out of Your Patient Reactivations.

Our Smart Lead Score algorithm optimizes outreach, saving time and maximizing results.

Give your team the best tools to keep your schedule full.

Smart Patient Recall List: This list prioritizes patients based on their engagement, allowing your team to focus on those most likely to reactivate.

Real-Time Reactivation Notifications: Receive timely alerts whenever a patient clicks your scheduling links so you can promptly confirm their appointment.

BONUS: Ready-to-Use Call, Text, and Email Scripts: Easy-to-follow scripts simplify your follow-up, save your team time, and improve your results.


Questions? Talk With Our Team.

The Smart Chiropractor

Your Patient Reactivations Can Take Flight with Patient Pilot!

How Patient Pilot Works

1. Sign Up Today

Start with our quick and easy 15-minute onboarding process. You’ll be guided through uploading your patient list and setting your preferences.

2. Send Patient Reactivation Emails

Within one week, your patients will start receiving Journey To Better Health reactivation emails, which include your online scheduling links.

3. Schedule and Reactivate

When patients receive your emails, they can schedule appointments via your online scheduler or our provided reactivation landing page. You’ll receive a notification within 15 minutes of a patient scheduling.

4. Track and Score Engagement

Monitor patient engagement with your emails. Those who open and interact with your emails are tracked, scored, and added to your Smart Patient Recall List.

5. Connect for Success

Participate in a 25-day check-in call with our team to ensure Patient Pilot is meeting your needs and exceeding expectations.

6. Access Patient Navigator 24/7

Enjoy continuous access to Patient Navigator, complete with easy call scripts, tools, and tracking features designed to maximize patient reactivations with minimal effort.

Patient Pilot

Choose Your Campaign Autopilot Configuration to Get Started.

50% Off Your First Month for All Plans for a Limited Time

25% Off For Life for All Plans for a Limited Time




$499 Setup Fee

$199 First Month

Set It and Forget It.

A curated list of core campaigns that covers the symptoms and conditions practitioners see most (rotating Year A and Year B schedule).






$499 Setup Fee

$250 First Month

You’re in Control.

Choose from any of our Core campaigns plus a selection of Custom lifestyle-focused Teach and Invite email campaigns.





$499 Setup Fee

$399 First Month

Maximize Your Investment.

Choose from any of our Core or Custom campaigns plus selections for those offices with established high-revenue Niches.